Talk About a Job That You Would Not Like to Do.

Talk about a job that you would not like to do.
Please say
– What job is it?
– How do you know about it?
– Is it hard or easy to do?

Sample Answer of Talk About a Job That You Would Not Like to Do. 


What job is it?

It is a hawking business because the tax enforcers hoard off no profits obtained from it as many of the hawker’s items in the city’s heart.

How do you know about it?

I heard it from a former old girl who does it for a hand to mouth every day.

The hawking business involves the selling of small items such as clothes and baskets around the streets, carrying them by hand, or at their backs and head sometimes because they have less capital to rent some spaces. 
so it is tough a kind of business here in our country where sunshine and rain sometimes covers your whole day while doing business
Is it hard or easy to do?

what’s better is an interesting job that makes one confident offer one with good job security such as a government job

well, history has it that the happiest are neither those with large lumps of money, but one uses the little he has as we see it from an African proverb ” take if with a happy mind for you will live happily.
Not at all, pay rise will detriment workers to think they don’t need to acquire their own employments. Though it does not motivate them; for example, raising a salary from $500 to $1000 is not the way to get employers motivated.
Better said than never, CEOS and human resource managers could motivate their employers through early monthly payments, annual parties where gifts and accolades are given to the given year’s best employees. Such as watches, a good dress, holiday shopping tickets, among others. Other employees can make their subordinates happy by putting up good and safe working conditions, good health cover, and job security.

This is the cue card’s end: Talk About a Job That You Would Not Like to Do.

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