Some Systems Require Students to Specialize in a Limited Range

Some systems require students to specialize in a limited range of subjects from the age of fifteen. Other systems require students to study a wide range of subjects until they leave school. What are the benefits of these two education systems and which is better?

Sample Answer of Some Systems Requires Students to Specialize in a Limited Range of Subjects From the Age of Fifteen.


The notion that learners ought to have specialization in certain subjects even from their teenage, is advocated by a few educational systems. However, others support learning multiple subjects before leaving school. Although both approaches have their own significance as the former allows more concentration and the latter caters to numerous career options, I believe that focusing on specialized subjects has an edge overindulging in various incoherent subjects.


As far as acquiring specialization is concerned, it aids in piquing concentration as there are subjects that are centered on pertinent information solely. This makes it much more effortless to learn and understand the curriculum which otherwise is arduous to perceive. In fact, in long run, this sort of learning proves relatively productive than having learned various subjects because it prepares the person for a specific job. To prove this point, a reference of doctors can be considered who actually are required to study medical subjects mainly such as biology, chemistry etcetera. In such cases, learning these subjects from the very beginning allows students to focus radically on the same set of academics.

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However, when studied a wider range of subjects, unlike getting specialization, it influxes career options that specific subjects alone could ever provide. This is because rather than studying mono-centered subjects, pupils have had the acquisition of versatile knowledge that gives them provision of shifting to another arena of the profession if they encounter inevitable hurdles or failures in once chosen career path. For instance, a failed engineer can make efforts to become a writer provided that that person had studied literature in school. That is why, at a young age, it appears a prerequisite to attain disseminate knowledge to relish better career options.


In my perspective, after the age of fifteen, learners ought to decide in which professional field they aspire to pursue their career, and therefore should study accordingly. This sort of learning experience, as per my view, will, by all means, be fruitful.


To conclude, it can be reiterated that although both the ideas of getting specialization and studying other subjects have their own benefits, the former seems relatively appealing.

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