Something happened that made you happy.

Something happened that made you happy.

what was it?

when did it happen?

where did it happen?

there are many things happened in my life out of which some were bad and some were good. these situations taught us many things and we gain a lot of experience from them in our life. today I would like to talk about an occasion which was recently happened to me and filled my life with happiness and joys. actually I had applied for Canada pr visa a few months ago and finally last month I got it.

I want to tell you that I made up my mind to apply for Canada when my cousin brother told me to do that.he is residing in Winnipeg of Manitoba.he is residing there with his family there. he had gone to Canada in April 2016. he told me that I would have sponsored me. for this, I had to pass the IELTS I had started preparations to pass the IELTS exam.i  took coaching from a renowned IELTS coaching center touchstone in Moga. after the hard work and dedication towards my study, I got 7 bands in IELTS exam.

after getting bands in IELTS I applied for Canada PR from a well-known agent in February 2018 I received an email from Canada embassy. they enquired about my skilled work experience. after that, they made my verification report and give me the approval to apply for permanent residence of Canada.i submitted my full-fledged application with all my documents in the Canadian embassy. after waiting for one month I received another email from Canada embassy on April 13 that I got Canada PR because they told e to submit my passport in Canadian embassy for visa stamp.i was very happy at that day because of my dream come true.


Q-1 What do you think is important in achieving happiness?

Ans: every person in life tries to find happiness in different ways. life has two sides like a coin.on one side if there is happiness in life then, on the other hand, is sadness.thes two are important facts of life.i one achieve happiness then one’s courage and morale become increases and he does hard work with more dedication to gain success.
Q-2 How do you celebrate some happy events?

Ans: every person has his own way and style to celebrate happiness. I celebrate my happy events with my family and close friends. because one has rightly said that that happiness increases by sharing it with your near and dear always celebrate my happy events with my family and friends by spending time with them.
Q-3 What role do the camera and video play in celebrating?

Ans: today is the world of inventions are coming into the market day by of these inventions is the camera and the video camera. these two devises play an important role in celebrating happy events. one could capture the happy events as a picture or video and preserve them for a long time as their memories.


Gagandeep Singh Kahlon


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Something happened that made you happy.

Something happened that made you happy. Something happened that made you happy. Something happened that made you happy. Something happened that made you happy. Something happened that made you happy.


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