Talk About a Curtain That You Like

Talk about a curtain that you like

  • Which curtain is it?
  • When and where did you see it?
  • What it looks like?
  • Why did you like it so much?

I’d like to talk about a curtain that I really like. It’s my grandmothers’ curtain.

I saw this curtain when I visited my grandmother during the Christmas period in 2012. I realized that she had replaced her old curtains with new ones, and she placed these new curtains in her sitting room. So, I saw them in her sitting room.

 These new curtains were pink in color and they had flowery designs. Pink is my favorite color and it made me instantly fall in love with these curtains. Also, the curtains were very light, and they reflected light so well and made the sitting room more colorful. 

I like these curtains very well because they were made of my favorite color, pink Also, they had flowery designs and I really like flowery designs.

Follow-Ups Questions for Talk About a Curtain That You Like

Question 1: – what kind of curtains do you like at your home?

For my home, I’d like to have very light and transparent curtains. I’d like these curtains to be either pink or white in color. This is because, my favorite color is pink, and I would also think that white and pink go hand in hand.  In addition, I would also I would like these curtains to have flowery designs and sometimes to have very nice pictures of my favorite animals.

Question 2:- what do you think shopping through social sites is better?

I believe that shopping through online sites is better or beneficial to customers because it provides them with a variety of options which also allows them to shop at a better price. This allows them to compare between different options. Online shopping also allows customers to make more informed decisions when it comes to their choices against price. In addition, several advertisements are made online this would also inform customers about discounts and price deductions.

Question 3:- What type of clothes do people wear after their jobs?

I think people dress informally after work. This could mostly be their jumpers or sleepwear or sometimes casual clothing. When people are off from work, they would get into something more comfortable.

Question 4:- in your country do males and females have the same choice of purchasing things?

Yes, I believe that both males and females have the same choice when it comes to purchasing things in my country.  Women are also entitled to buy the same things that men would buy and vice versa. I don’t think there is any discrimination in gender when it comes to purchasing things in my country.

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