Talk About a Person You Know Who Takes Less Mental Stress

Talk about a person you know who takes less mental stress. You should say

  • Who is This?
  • How do you know him?
  • Why do you think he takes less stress?
  • How do you feel about him?
  • And explain why you enjoy spending time there?

I met or knew many people throughout my life, but from the world, think about the person who can handle stress or not take too much stress then it hard to find.

It takes less mental stress and lives like nothing going on that talents or ability is very rare. Today, I would like to talk about the person who always likes to be happy and stress, not interrupt him.

His name is Keyur; he is my school friend, the first time I showed him in my 3rd grade, that time I just joined the school, consequently he was the first student that I met in that school.

One other incident that I vividly remember was failing the exam, and still, he was ecstatic and laughing; if that happened with me, I was definitely crying on top of my louder voice.

Back in my first school day, during the lecture, he was busy with other activities and laughing; the teacher sawed him as a result of the punishment, he restricted for 2 lectures, although still, he was laughing. He has a great sense of humor and always ready to aid others.

He believes that always be happy and live like a rockstar, and I always love to spend time with him; that period is always precious for me; he always lives happily, and I try to adopt it in my life, his less take mental stress ability to aid me in a host of crucial conditions. For instance, the std 10th board exam really helps me.

Follow-Ups of Talk About a Person You Know Who Takes Less Mental Stress

Question 1:- Do you like the fast pace of modern life?

To be honest yes, this contemporary life is running on the fast way than past, nowadays people can learn more and do more work than in the past owing of fast pace; however, it also has few drawbacks, people easily exhausted by routine lifestyle add a host of things irritate a person.

Question 2:- How do you feel when you are really busy?

I feel like I am a robot and doing consistent work and tired and suffer after completing work. Having busy is sometimes beneficial for me, it succors me to concentrate on a particular task and away from time-wasting activities.

Question 3:- What kind of lifestyle is suitable for people in modern society?

I always a fan of a simple and healthy lifestyle, presently people shifted from it. People like to more enjoyable over hard work and eat spicy foods. However, it occurs predicament in later life—Health, fitness, and simple lifestyle aid a person to live long and ecstatically.

Question 4:- What relaxation techniques do you usually use?

We are easily bored or exhausted by our daily and busy routine lifestyle; hence relaxation is crucial. I frequently take some breaks and naps to relax; sometimes, I also like to listening music and play mobile games on my smartphone; I also like to solve puzzles to relax.

Question 5:- What’s the best way to deal with stress?

Try to be cool and calm when we are under stress, take a break and feel relax; it is paramount that 40 winks are a good approach; some people also listen to music or talk with their loveable person. For instance, personality I prefer Nap when I have stress.

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