Talk About A Time When You Were Asked Opinion In A Survey or Questionnaire

Talk About A Time When You Were Asked Opinion In A Survey or Questionnaire

  • What was the survey about?
  • Why did you participate?
  • What opinions do you give?
  • How did you feel?

Sample Answer of Talk About A Time When You Were Asked Opinion In A Survey or Questionnaire

Surveys or questionnaires are appropriate means for businesses and organisations to find out relevant information about how to serve their customers well.

Over the years, most researchers and scientists have used this approach to gather comprehensive databases. When I was in my final year at school, a teacher came to do his practicals, and during that time, he happened to teach us for about four weeks.

After the end of the teaching practice, an external invigilator came to assess him, and they asked each student to give their opinion. It was marvellous because this particular teacher was skilful in teaching, and I commented about that.

He felt so happy afterwards and has been so grateful to me and the entire student body for the positive feedback we gave.

Part 3 Questions Talk About A Time When You Were Asked Opinion In A Survey or Questionnaire

Question 1:- What kinds of organisations want to discover people’s opinions?

Answer: Industrial and health groups love to hear the views of their customers most of the time.

Question 2:- Do you think questionnaires or surveys are good ways of determining people’s opinions?

Answer: Yes, questionnaires and surveys are good ways of getting to know people’s thoughts.

Question 3:- What reasons might people have for not wanting to give their opinions?

Answer: They may feel unsecured as they reveal their views.

Question 4:- Do you think it would be a good idea for schools to ask students their opinions about lessons?

Answer: Yes, it’s ideal for school teachers to find out students’ opinions about lessons.

Question 5:- What would the advantages for schools be if they asked students their opinions?

Answer: It will enable the school authorities to improve their performance.

Question 6:- Would there be any disadvantages to asking students’ opinions?

Answer: I don’t think there are any drawbacks to finding out students’ opinions, as this is used to help them address their pressing issues.

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