The Chart and Graph Below Give Information About Sales and Share Prices for Coca-cola

The chart and graph below give information about sales and share prices for Coca-Cola. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

The chart and graph below give information about sales and share prices for Coca-Cola

The chart below illustrates statistics on purchases and the share price of coca-cola. The pie chart shows how North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa with the Middle East while On the other hand, the line graph gives information on the share price from the year 1996 -2001. Overall it can be noted that North America had the highest sales while Africa and the Middle East had the least number of sales, on the other hand, the share price experienced dramatic changes throughout the five years

North America had the highest number of purchases which contributed 30.4%, this was followed by Latin America at 25.7%, then next was Europe at 20.5%, the second from the least was Asia who had 16.4% and the least was Asia and Africa who took up a mere 7%.

However, the share price took a dramatic pattern. In 1996 the shares were bought at $35 per share, there was a sharp rise after that to reach a high of around 68% in 1997, thereafter the shares continued to rise after a slight dip experienced at the end of the year 1997 to reach a peak of $80 in 1998. This was followed by fluctuations in the next two years to end off at around $55.

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