The Chart Shows Requests for Information at A Tourist Office in The United Kingdom from January to June

The chart shows requests for information at a tourist office in the United Kingdom from January to June.

The chart shows requests for information at a tourist office in the United Kingdom from January to June.

The line chart delineates the different ways of inquiries at a UK tourist office in the first six months of a year. The information was requested through person-to-person, letter or email, and phone calls.

Overall, in-person requests were the most common over the period. Inquiries through telephone also surged. Requesting information through letters or emails was declined and had the least frequency among other sections.

In January, in-person requests were the lowest among all three categories at approximately 420, while phone calls and written inquiries stood at about 780 and 900, respectively. By March, the personal inquiries crossed 800. The telephone requests remained constant at 1000 from March to April. The written submissions were declined at the same time from 700 to 580.

Considering all the sections at the end of the period, the person-to-person questions were at the top and peaked at 1900. On the other hand, the letter and email requests declined to 400 from 580 by the end of May, and they remained unchanged at 400 from May to June. In June, the telephone calls rosed up to 1600.

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