The charts illustrate how recycling is carried out in Eutopia, and the pie charts show the percentage of recycled and unrecycled waste.
The bar chart demonstrates the various techniques for handling recycled waste as well as the pie Charts compare recreated and unrecycled destruction in the years 1980,1990, and 2000 in Eutopia.
Overall, there was a minor change in the methods of reprocessing the waste, but in 2000, recycling methods for waste had increased significantly.
In 1980, only 7% of waste was recycled, and others remained unprocessed. Among recycled waste, almost more than three-quarters portion was collected from bins at the house.12% of recycled waste was sent to processing houses by citizens. There was little difference in other methods and returning waste to the manufacturer, which was 3% and 7%, respectively.
After a decade, recycling waste tripled than in 1980. Citizens took the trash to the station and the ratio increased by almost 50% earlier(18%). A minute change was observed in all other methods for reprocessing.
Over ten years, almost one-third of the total waste was recycled in Eutopia. Waste gathered from bins was virtually unchanged (72%). Whereas waste returned to suppliers grew and stood at 8%.
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