The Charts Show Information About the Number of Kilometres Travelled in An Average Month and The Distribution of Vehicle Types in Britain

The charts show information about the number of kilometres travelled in an average month and the distribution of vehicle types in Britain.

The charts show information about the number of kilometres travelled in an average month and the distribution of vehicle types in Britain.

The line charts illustrate the reason for travelling and the number of kilometres, while the pie charts provide information about the types of vehicles used for distribution in Britain.

Overall, it can be seen that travelling for transport and delivery purposes was the complete highest destination. However, the majority of people use trucks and cars for travelling.

In 1990, around 6500 people were travelling for transport and delivery reasons, which grew in the next five years and reached 8000 kilometres. The number was consistent for the next five years, from 2000 to 2010, then saw a significant decline of 8000 to 6000 respectively. People who used it for personal purposes were reminded same in the twenty years of period. There was seen for commuting seen slight increase from around 1900 to 3500.

In 1990, one-fourth of people used trucks for travelling, and it increased by 5% in 2010. The proportion of Buses and Motorcycle declined by around 1%, which was 6%, and 4% in1990 and 5% and 3% in 2010 respectively cars were the most popular vehicles in Britain in 20 year period, Which is 4% from 63% and 59% in the year of 1990 and 2010 subsequently.

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