The Charts Show The Percentage Of Power Generated From 6 Different Types In Gareline

The charts show the percentage of power generated from 6 different types in Careline.

The charts show the percentage of power generated from 6 different types in Gareline.

The pie chart provides information about the proportion of power generated by six different kinds of Garline over 20 years.

Overall, it can be seen that hydropower represented the highest percentage whereas nuclear energy accounted for the tiniest proportion. While hydropower decreased across the period, the remaining five energy types increased slightly over time.

Hydropower generation constituted 45% in 1970. It rosed dramatically to just over three-fourths after a decade before falling back to the low proportion of one-third.

Geothermal power stood at 22% at the start of the period, and it declined steadily to 8 per cent in 1980 before rising substantially to just under 40 per cent after ten years. Wind, Gas and Other power accounted for a combined 7.6% in 1970. These collectively made a  percentage of 10 in 1980 and 24.5 in 1990. More interestingly, nuclear power generated no power in 1970, although it accounted for 7% in 1980, which remained unchanged until the end of the period.

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