The Graph and Table Below Show the Average Monthly Temperatures and The Average Number of Hours

The graph and table below show the average monthly temperatures and the average number of hours of sunshine per year in three major cities. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph and table below show the average monthly temperatures and the average number of hours of sunshine

The line graph and table illustrate the mean temperatures per month and the number of hours of sunrise annually in London, New York and Sydney. Overall, it is apparent that London and New York experience increasing temperatures and long hours of sunshine annually, whereas it is otherwise for Sydney.

In a more detailed analysis, the line graph shows that London and New York have relatively similar weather patterns. The temperature at the beginning of the year in both cities is around 5 degrees and about 10 degrees, respectively. These continue to incline gradually until the peak is reached around July, then start to drop steadily for the rest of the year. Finally, they returned to almost the same condition as January in December.

On the other hand, Sydney’s temperature even out at about 25 degrees between January and March, after which it starts to decrease from the middle of March and plunges to around 15 degrees in July. Then begin to rise slowly again and attain nearly the same degree as the first three months of the year, from mid-November to December.

The table depicts that New York has the highest number of hours of sunshine, although it is insignificantly higher than London’s sunshine. In contrast, it almost doubled the total sunshine hours in Sydney.
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