The Maps Below Show a Science Park in 2008 and The Same Park Today

The maps below show a science park in 2008 and the same park today. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The maps below show a science park in 2008 and the same park today

Sample Answer of The Maps Below Show a Science Park in 2008 and The Same Park Today

The given maps illustrate the significant changes of the science park from 2008 to 2021.

Overall, remarkable alterations have occurred over the given years. The park has introduced more transportation amenities.

The main change that stands out is that the grasslands, which are located on the western side and southeast side of the park, have been deforested and introduced a research and development center and the expansion of cyber security, respectively. The reception and IT center changed its name into reception and university hub, respectively.

For the advancement of transportation, a new railway station, cycle paths, and bus station have been installed. The location of the office and car park remain untouched; however, the size of the car park has been reduced for the expansion of cyber security.

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