The chart below shows the places visited by different people living in Canada

The Chart Below Shows the Places Visited by Different People Living in Canada.

The chart below shows the places visited by different people living in Canada.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Sample Answer of The chart below shows the places visited by different people living in Canada.


The given table chart illustrates the proportion of different people who visited public places(cinema, theatre, library, and zoo) in Canada.

Overall, the higher proportion of new migrations born in English country and born in Canada was liked to visit the cinema while the least proportion of all people liked to the visited zoo.
Moving onto the details, it is crystal clear that, A significant number of individuals who were born in Canada liked to visit the cinema(around 70%). A similar proportion of people born in Canada was preferred to visit the zoo and libraries.
Moving further, the proportion of new migrations born in English country who visited the cinema was noted as 50% while the proportion of individual who visited the theatre was less than five times compared to the cinema. the percentage of new migrations born in English country who visited the zoo and library was accounted for like 50% and 40% respectively.

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