The Pie Charts Show Information About Energy Production in A Country in Two Separate Years

The pie charts show information about energy production in a country in two separate years. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

The pie charts show information about energy production in a country in two separate years.

Sample: The Pie Charts Show Information About Energy Production in A Country in Two Separate Years

The pie chart illustrates the energy produced in a country by different resources.

Overall, it can be seen from the chart that coal produces the maximum amount of energy other than any other resources in both the years 1995 and 2005. In contrast, the minimum amount of energy is produced by different resources.

Looking in detail, almost two-thirds of the energy was produced from coal and gas, 29.80% and 29.63 % respectively, in 1995. Apart from that, energy by others and nuclear is 4.90% and 6.40% respectively. Besides this, energy by petro is 29.27%.

For 2005 energy produced by all means increased by some percentage except by petro, which shows some decrement in the data.

Almost one-third of the energy is gained from gas and coal, which are 30.31% and 30.93%, respectively. At the same time, the energy produced by other and nuclear is 9.90% and 10% respectively.

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