The Table Shows the Average Length of You Tube Video Advertisements

The table shows the average length of YouTube video advertisements and the average length of time viewers spend watching them. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.

The Table Shows the Average Length of You Tube Video Advertisements

The given table below illustrates information about different types of social video applications called “YOU Tube”. The main features are the average length & Average viewed time of a particular advertisement, and both are given in second.

Firstly, the Highest average length & Most average viewed you tube’s videos are public service which is more than one minute and almost a half-minute, respectively. On the other hand, pharmaceuticals have the least duration, and lifestyle has a very tiny time viewed which is 14.3 Seconds. If we consider other types of advertisements like business & finance, entertainment and news & technology total span for viewing is more than a 30 seconds & it was liked to view by peoples mostly average of twenty seconds & above.

Subsequently, YouTube posted an average length of 23-28 Seconds videos of travel, retails & clothing in which people were slightly liked to view as 16-23 Seconds. At last, consumer electronics were likely to be high in the length of the video, but at the same time, the average viewing time by persons is 17.3 and 14.3 Seconds which is very interesting.

Overall from the data total average length of videos posted by YouTube is 38.1 Seconds & the Average viewed time is 20.4 Seconds by the people for a different type of category of videos.

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