There are many things that motivate a person to work, but money is the most compelling. In your opinion, how influential is the power of money? ielts result

There are many things that motivate a person to work, but money is the most
compelling. In your opinion, how influential is the power of money? ielts result

People the world over come from different circumstances and work for different
reasons. Although many may have alternative sources of motivation for the work
that they do, money is thought to be among the most stimulating forces in the world.
This will be proven by looking at how financial gain can force a person to engage in
professions that are both unpleasant and, in some instances, fundamentally

For one, many people around the world engage in jobs they do not enjoy simply
because they want money. For example, hundreds of millions of people do
manufacturing work across the developing world. As this kind of labour is often
tiring, dangerous and even degrading in some circumstances, it is easy to see that the
only thing motivating these people to engage in this work is monetary compensation.
As this shows, the power and influence of money is difficult to underestimate.

In addition to this, monetary reward can even compel people to do jobs that are
irrational and self-defeating. For example, the decisions made by individuals working
in the American financial district prior to the crisis of 2008 were damaging to the
world’s economic stability. Were personal financial gain to be taken away from the

overall equation, it is doubtful any of these same devastating financial decisions
would have been made. Thus, the extreme motivational power of money can be

As the above shows, money holds an authority over the decisions and career
directions of most people. It therefore must be concluded that money acts as one of
the world’s most influential forces, and this is a phenomenon that is not expected to
change anytime soon.

There are many things that motivate a person


There are many things that motivate a person to work, but money is the most
compelling. In your opinion, how influential is the power of money? ielts result

There are many things that motivate a person to work, but money is the most
compelling. In your opinion, how influential is the power of money? ielts result

There are many things that motivate a person to work, but money is the most
compelling. In your opinion, how influential is the power of money? ielts result

There are many things that motivate a person to work, but money is the most
compelling. In your opinion, how influential is the power of money? ielts result


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