There Is a Problem Related to the Changing Room of Your Gym

There is a problem related to the changing room of your gym in your community. You reported it several times, but it was not solved. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter, you should:

  • Describe the problem.
  • What did they say while reporting the problem?
  • What you want the manager to do?

Sample Answer of There Is a Problem Related to the Changing Room of Your Gym

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction and at the same time resentment over the issue of changing room that has created the problem not only for me but also for the whole members of a gym. Many times, it has been reported to your employees but all in vain.

To be honest, the problem is not small in itself. The door of the room is broken, and the leakage of water from the tap makes the place untidy and unhealthy as it has now become the breeding point for mosquitoes. What’s more, no trash bin in it depicts the true picture that having been brought up in an illiterate society, people are compelled to throw napkins, buds here and there.

I would like to tell you that I have reported it via making calls as well as visiting in person. But no attention was paid to us. Now we have no alternative but to bring it to your notice.

Would you be kind enough to solve it as soon as possible by appointing a sweeper, who can clean the room regularly and repair the broken things such door and tap; otherwise, we all the members would have no choice but to leave this membership. I hope you will look into the matter for your valued members.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully,

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