These Days, Many People Like to Watch Live Performances

These Days, Many People Like to Watch Live Performances (such as Shows or Concerts) at Home, Either on TV or On a Computer, Instead of Attending in Person. Do the Advantages of This Trend Outweigh Its Disadvantages?

Nowadays, many individuals intend to watch live programs like reality shows, musical concerts and so on through online media or on television. This trait has its own merits and demerits. This disquisition delves into both perspectives to arrive at a feasible conclusion as to whether the brighter side outstrips the darker side.

To embark on live performances and shows is increasing day by day. This is because more people love attending such events to be entertained by the performing member’s talents and skills. The actual performance of such people can only be enjoyed very well by watching them in real. The results of conducting such shows can be understood through their latest facilities like stage lighting, decorations, sound effects and so on. The support from the public will encourage them to do more. It can be done if individuals participate in such occasions in real.

On the other hand, if we watch these through televisions and other online media, we cannot feel the actual effects of such performances. The celebrations and cheerful moments will be missed so well while watching through the media at home. It also creates no happiness or goosebumps if it is not watched, real.

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Therefore, it can be conclusively stated that the virtues do not reach the vices. It is hoped that more members would love to watch such programs by eye-to-eye participation more than watching them through the screens.

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