You Are a Professional and You Want to Work Abroad

You are a professional and you want to work abroad. You have come across an employment agency on the internet that hires people from your country and sends them to other countries. Write a letter to the agency. In your letter:

Write reasons why you want to work abroad.
Describe what kind of company or organization you want to work with.
State your expectations from the job.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to show my interest in working overseas and would like your agency to process my job application. I hope you will consider this.

Let me give you more details. I am currently working as an IT professional in a multinational company. Last year, I was posted in the UK for six months for some project-related work where I closely worked with clients to fulfill their requirements. During my stay there, I really liked their work culture, professionalism, and ethics. On top of that, the compies in the UK have human values for their employees, which is the best part. Therefore, I am quite interested in working in a similar organization. I found your agency on the internet while researching applying for India’s jobs to other countries, and I absolutely liked your terms and policies. So, it would be great if you can initiate my job application process.

As mentioned earlier, I am more concerned about the company’s attitude towards employees rather than salary. Additionally, I would prefer to work in central London. I trust this information would help you to find relevant opportunities for me. Please mail me at [email protected] if you have any queries regarding the same.

Yours faithfully,

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