The Main Purpose of Public Libraries Is to Provide Books

The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books, and they should not waste their limited resources and space on providing expensive hi-tech media such as computer software, videos, and DVDs. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Libraries are the basic requirement for any local community across the globe. Some people think that the main intention behind these public libraries is to give books and they should not invest their money to offer hi-tech facilities namely computer software, videos, and DVDs. However, I completely disagree to this because of multiple reasons which are explained in this essay.

The library has a clear idea of spreading knowledge and wisdom, which are the pillars of society, to the local citizens. Certain people believe that libraries are not for keeping the latest computers, videos or DVDs but they should be used only for giving books. They justifiably believe that because, generally, local councils do not provide a huge budget to develop a library and this limited amount should be used for adding books or it should be saved for emergency repairing. Additionally, technologies bring extra burden not only to the budget but also on the librarian to look after them. To illustrate, most of the libraries in the UK claim that due to the additional cost of maintaining computers or DVDs they are running out of budget for many years. Moreover, advocates of this idea argue that space is also a major issue for many libraries which can not be ignored. Thus, many people are of such opinion.

Conversely, I think that this is the time to upgrade conventional libraries. Today, most of the people have limited time due to their busy schedules and it would be a good idea if they can see what all books are available in the library from an application. In addition, a time slot can be booked to issue the book which will save a lot of time for both parties. Nowadays, people often struggle to find old DVDs and videos of old movies and dramas which are very precious. Keeping them in the library would probably give some extra income to the library. A survey in India states that most of the librarians found it difficult initially to deal with the latest computers but they understood the significance after few months as it really helped them in managing books and time for citizens. Some of them claimed that it helped in discarding the books which are not being issued a single time in the last five years. In this way, computer software helped them to make extra space to keep new books.

To conclude, admittedly, the prime purpose of public libraries is giving books; however, I think it is good to change with the time which can be fruitful for the overall society.

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