You Are Going on A Short Training Course at A College in Greenmount

You are going on a short training course at a college in Greenmount, Northern Ireland. You need somewhere to live while you are there. Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. In your letter:

  • Explain your situation
  • describe the accommodation you require
  • say when you will need it
  • You should write at least 150 words

Dear sir/madam;

I have taken admission to Greenmount college of Northern Ireland, and my course will start after four weeks from today. My native location is 350 miles far away from the college campus; therefore, I have to stay near to the college till my course would complete. Hence I have to relocate there for such time period.

I need 30 weeks of accommodation in the university accommodation area which can include a stay as well as a food facility so I can study without any hurdle of staying. I have made an inquiry with my relatives who are belonged to Northern Ireland for accommodation to live and eat too. But due to big family currently, it is not possible to move with them hence please help me to find relevant accommodation in university campus or any nearer location.

As I have said above, my course will start after four weeks, so please help me within time, so I can relocate there. My personal details have already been submitted to the admission authority, and please contact me on that when any relevant accommodation is found.


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