describe a person who once moved to live with you.

describe a person who once moved to live with you.

who was he/she?

why did he/she move to live with you?

how long this person lived with you?

it was the time when I was doing my bachelor of education degree from Sant Mela Singh college, Digiana ashram, Jammu.i was lived in a rented house.when I started going college there were many students from Punjab in my class and from other parts of the country also.there was one Sikh student who tied a turban like me.his name is kiranjeet Singh.he belongs to Kapurthala district of Punjab.i belong to Moga district which is near about 80 km from Kapurthala.he was the only turban tied person in the class except me.on the starting days, we sat together.

one day he asked me about my accommodation and I told him that I am living in a big rented house.but I heard from him that he is living in a nearby gurudwara because he could not find any appropriate apartment for him.he requested me to help him in this I offered him to live with me because within few days it seemed to me that he is a good person.he at once accept my proposal.the next day he shifted to my apartment.we started living together.within two months we became good friends because we have same likes and dislikes.he was a vegetarian like me.we went to college together, eat together and sleep together in one room.

our degree course was of one year and we lived together for the whole year.we went to the market together and have fun there.we also often visited baghe bahu fort which is the historical garden of Jammu city and it is situated on the top of a hill which presents a scenic view of nature.when we completed our course, we both were very sad.we completed our course in 2006 and it is 2018 it is 12 years that we have completed our course.but we still are good friends.we often talk to each other on phone and meet each other whenever we got a chance.


Q-1: what did you learn by living with a person?

Ans: I learned many things by living with him.i learned the sense of sharing whether it is a materialistic thing or feelings, sorrows or happiness.we became good friends just because of understanding between us.

Q-2: share one loving memory between you and your friend.

Ans: we always had our lunch together.but once when we were going for teaching practice in different schools.he came home a little bit late than day he became late for an hour and I was very hungry but I did not have my lunch until he came.when he saw this he embraced me with love.I cannot forget that loving moment.

Q-3: if you get a chance to live with him once again?what do you do?

Ans: I wish that I get a chance to live with him once again.i would never miss that opportunity.we would enjoy the moments which we left undone at that time.we would try to enjoy them.


Gagandeep Singh Kahlon


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describe a person who once moved to live with you.

describe a person who once moved to live with you.

describe a person who once moved to live with you.

describe a person who once moved to live with you.

describe a person who once moved to live with you.

describe a person who once moved to live with you.



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