Describe a Piece of Clothing You Have That Was Given

Describe a Piece of Clothing You Have That Was Given by Someone

  • what it was
  • who gave it to you
  • when you got that
  • and say whether you liked this piece of clothing or not.  

Sample Answer of Describe a Piece of Clothing You Have That Was Given by Someone

Thanks to give me such an interesting cue card topic. In India, it is tradition that at the wedding time, every relative comes with some pieces of clothes for all family. At my brother’s marriage, I also got some pairs of shirts and pants. I would like to talk about that moments briefly.It was about a 3 years ago at the time of my brother’s marriage. We organised a big party at invited all of our relatives. Every relatives came with some gifts and pairs of clothes for each member of our family.

Generally these clothes are not good to wear as there are so many cheap material available to give people in these occasions. But one of my relative came with branded clothes because they knew my choice. It was an Armani suit. I became so happy so see that. Because due to having all program’s responsibilities on me, I didn’t have any time to go for shopping. And I was sad for this. But when I saw this dream I got so happy because it was just like my planning to wear in the marriage.

So, I decided to wear it in marriage. It was looking so nice and fit on me as everyone praised me that I am looking beautiful in this suit. I was so happy because my relative has helped me to wear my favourite suit. Without them, I didn’t have any idea whether I will have a time to buy it or not.

Follow Up Questions

Question 1:- what kind of clothes do you like to wear?

well, it depends on the weather. In Winter, I wear plaid or solid colour flannel shirts, thick ones, chamois shirts, lined jeans and boots with hip-length jackets.

Question 2:- What is the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?

In my part of the world, that is India, where I belong, you will see a difference in the dressing sense between the older and younger people.

Question 3:- What kinds of clothes do people wear after work?

People wear comfortable and casual clothes after work because usually at work, people have to wear uniforms or formal clothes. Once people come back home, they like to relax and want to be more comfortable.

Question 4:- What types of outfits should people prefer to wear at the office?

it also depends on the type of work people do. At work, people should wear proper and formal clothes. In some workplaces, uniforms are needed, which gives them an identity and develops a sense of discipline.

Question 5:- what do you think shopping through social sites is better?

i don’t think buying from shopping sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, and big bazaar is useful compared to going to Shop. Without touching any clothes, we can not buy those things. We believe in good. So I think it is not helpful and comfortable to buy clothes from online sites.

Question 6:- Does personality affect how people choose what to wear?

definitely, personality affects what we wear on a day to day lives. It gives a symbol of representing our strength and wealth. It also indicates our nature. So, personality affects people’s wearing choices.

Question 7:- in your country do males and females have the same choice of purchasing things?

generally, there are many differences between men and women in the choices of buying items. I have come from India. We can see that compared to males, females are very curious and excited to buy new things. On any occasion, they want to look more beautiful than others, so they spend more money on beauty products. While males, don’t believe in spending more money on beauty, but they spend on clothes, electronic equipment and their hobbies.

Describe an incident from history that has influenced you

Describe a time when you were very busy IELTS cue cards

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