Describe an Incident From History That Has Influenced You

Describe an Incident From History That Has Influenced You

  • When and where it happened?
  • How you heard about this incident?
  • What it was?
  • And say how this event influenced you.  

Sample Answer of Describe an Incident From History That Has Influenced You

Thanks to give me such an interesting cue card topic. In every country, there are a lot of miss happenings taken place in history. But our country is above than all. Before the 1947, British people had ruled the India for a long time and Indian people lived in their slave with worse situation.

It was the most horrible period which has affected my country in a wide range. They killed so my Indians which were fighting for the independence of India. Their fear had spread all over the India.

But later then, some youngsters have come forward to get freedom and send them back to their country. Most of them was from Punjab like Sardar Bhagat Singh, Kartar Singh sarabha, Udham Singh etc.

They sacrificed all their lives and got killed in the fight of freedom. I read so many novels written on Sardar Bhagat singh and knew how brave he was in his young age. He was just 23 years old when he was arrested and hanged up by British people. At the time of hinge, he even didn’t scare and got hanged with his smiling face.

I feel proud to have this kind of freedom fighters in our nation. Even I went to see the place where the Bhagat Singh was despatched by the British. It is now situated in Punjab. Sardar Bhagat Singh gave people bravery to live with freedom and fearless. He has become the role model of almost every Indian.

Describe a time when you were very busy IELTS cue cards

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