Describe a Program or App on Your Computer or Mobile

Describe a Program or App on Your Computer or Mobile

  • what the program/app is,
  • when/where you found it,
  • how you use it,
  • and how you feel about it.

Sample Answer of Describe a Program or App on Your Computer or Mobile

Today is the world of technology and inventions are coming day by day into the most important among them is the mobile becomes the need of each and every person of any age.a number of programs and apps are also available on these mobile I would like to talk about a famous app on my mobile phone and it is Facebook .nowadays, this app is famous among people of all ages.

I bought a mobile phone a few years ago. it is of Samsung has a touchscreen.there is a software on my mobile named play store from where one can download any kind of app like Skype, Viber, Whats-app, Instagram, Facebook etc.i download this app from play store on my mobile.I heard about it for the first time from my friend.then I download it for free from play store.

I often used it to make new friends and for establishing contact with my old friends.I also upload my pictures and videos on it and share with my near and dear ones.i also have a video or audio call through it with my friends.i can also know about birthday of my friend through it and can send them wishes.we can also share our location through it.we can also like and comments on the pictures, videos, and status shared by our friends.

it is an important source to spend leisure time.I feel it a part and parcel of my life.i changed my life completely.I make me socially strong because man is a social animal and he cannot live it helps me to build social relations in creates a sense of brotherhood among people of different it is an important app for me.


Q-1: what is the importance of apps in a person’s life?

Ans: there are different kinds of apps available on mobile phones.these apps serve various purposes.there are apps for comedy, general knowledge,health-related tips, video chat etc.a person can easily use these apps anytime and anywhere.

Q-2: is there any drawbacks of apps?

Ans: it has been rightly said that excess of everything is bad.whether various apps available on computers and mobile phones have their own importance in their own way but their use for long hours could not only waste their money but their precious time also.

Q-3: are these apps are helpful in making honest relations?

Ans: these apps are helpful in making good relations but not all the time.because some people make fake id’s and upload fake information on these apps and could deceive people should be very careful in making friends on these apps.

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