Describe a Situation Where You Helped an Old Person.

Describe a Situation Where You Helped an Old Person.

  • When Did You Help?
  • Where Did You Help?
  • How Did You Help?
  • How Did You Feel About It?

There are a number of occasions that came in my life when I got an opportunity to meet strangers and it gave me a chance to help someone who really needs it.

I have helped many people at different times and in different situations, but today, I would like to talk about a situation when I was travelling from Delhi to Canada via Singapore by boarding the air flight of Cathay Pacific.

I was going back to Canada from India after spending two months with my parents who are residing there. By chance, the seat next to me was occupied by an old person who was also coming from India.

Because he also belongs to Punjab, so I started the conversation with him. He told me about the purpose of his visit.

We talked for long hours and when he told me that he belonged to the district Moga like me, I felt affection towards him.

He had a problem conversing with the air hostess when the cabin crew staff was serving the eatables because he did not speak well in English.

So, I helped him as a translator between him and the staff. It made things easier for him. After a long journey, the flight landed at the international airport in Toronto.

Furthermore, I also helped him at the immigration counter and at the baggage claim counter. He was about 65 years old and was unable to carry his luggage, so I arranged a trolley for him. I helped him to fill out the customs and immigration forms.

When we came out of the airport, his family came to receive him. He introduced me to them, and all thanked me. We also exchanged phone numbers, and I felt very calm and satisfied after helping an old and needy person.

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Q-1: From whom did you learn this good thing to help old and needy persons?

Ans: I learned this thing from my grandparents. They always advised me to help needy people because they said that if you would help someone, then God will help you. Now, both of my grandparents are no more in this world. So, I always see them in other old people, and they seem to be, my own grandparents.

Q-2: Why are most people nowadays forget to respect their elders?

Ans: In this modern era, people are forgetting to respect their elders because they became so busy earning money and fulfilling their desires that they do not have time to spend with their elders. They forgot that only their parents made them capable of earning money by giving them a good education and care since their birth.

Q-3: What role could the elders play in your life?

Ans: Elders could play an important role in our life because they have seen many ups and downs in their lives and have vast experience with everything. They could give us important suggestions and lead us from the front.

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