Describe an Interesting Animal You Know About

Describe an interesting animal you know about. You should say:

  • what animal it is
  • how you know about this animal
  • where they are found
  • and describe what facts about this animal do you find most interesting.

Sample Answer of Describe an Interesting Animal You Know About

Well, there were so many promises which I committed to family, friends, relatives and so on. However, here I want to describe I promise that I gave I to my couch regarding the gold medal at the zonal 400 m race.

So, the scenario was like I was practising a lot for races from childhood and when I think It’s time to take my practice to the beyond level. Then I reached one of the coaches in Panchkula to learn certain skills of race.

However, the whole confidence just breakdown when the coach suggests I just go the college and keep carrying what you are doing at that time; this is good for you.

That day I told him I would win the zonal gold medal in the 400 m and that promise I fulfil when I was in the last year of my college that was the proudest moment of my life.

I had given all my hard work, strength and infant 8 hours a day in learning those skills. Nevertheless, I got the result; I have had never visited that coach, but I think he was present at that scene, and that was the proudest moment for me.

Follow-ups of Describe an Interesting Animal You Know About

1. Do parents in your country make a lot of promises to their children?

Answer- Yes, absolutely. Well, from my perspective, when parents make a promise to their children, this means they want something from their children. In order to fulfil their dream, children give their full efforts.

2. Do children also make a lot of promises to their parents?

Answer- Yes, but it totally depends on the promises which they are going to make, whether it’s a promise to get admission to IIT college or clearing the UPSC exam.

3. Are most people able to fulfil their promises?

Answer- No, not at all; in fact, Usain Bolt succeeds after 150 races. So, if the individual has the strength, envy or desire to achieve that title. However, there were almost 90 % of people always get bored when failed in fulfilling their promise for the very first time.

4. How do you feel when others break their promises?

Answer- Well, from my perspective, it’s ridiculous when someone breaks their promises. We have to give our full efforts to achieve that promise. If we fail in the first attempt, we try for the two attempts just like Abraham Lincoln.

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