Describe an old person you know and respect.

Describe an old person you know and respect.

You should say:

  • – Who he or she is?

  • – How do you know this person?

  • – What he or she is like?

  • – And explain why you respect him or her?

sample answer:


An elderly person whom I admire and look up to be is my grandmother named Satyavati. She is a graduate in political science form the renowned Allahabad college. From a very young age being the elder sister from a clan of 3 siblings she was shouldered with responsibilities moreover was forced to stop studies due to financial crisis.

But her immense interest in education made her excel and she topped her school as well as college. In addition, she was an active member of the student union in her university. Owing to this she was selected to speak to former prime minister Indira Gandhi for which she feels was very lucky and grateful for her stars.

Appearance-wise she is a short lady with fair skin. Her black hair complemented her beauty yet she always used to tell us that beauty is skin deep.

They are several reasons and experiences why I adore her. The main reason is her clear cut goal towards life. She wanted to earn and stand on her feet which she eventually did and grabbed a good lucrative post in government sector. Secondly her punctuality and discipline. She used to be on time for any functions and raised her children to be well disciplined.

Charity and helping hand were extra added feathers to her cap. She did many donations to help the needy provided funding for educational needs for students from socio-economically backward groups. Totally I feel she has a magnetic personality and a very intuitive character.

sample answer 2:

Respecting elders is one of the morals that must be imbibed among the children. In childhood we learn everything from elderly people, so it becomes our duty to give them respect and make them feel special. Coming to the point, the one whom I respect a lot is my own grandfather. When I was a school going child my both parents were working so it was my grandfather who brought me up very carefully and never made me feel alone. He taught me how to walk, talk, read and what not? I just learnt everything from him. he is one of the idols to me. He is very kind hearted, playful and generous. People around approach him for his good advice and suggestions and he is known for his wisdom and a helping hand. I love being with him because I feel protective when he is around me. He is the man who deserve my respect because what I am today is just because of him. He is one of the most important person in my life.


this is the end of speaking cue card(Describe an old person you know and respect.)

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