Describe an outdoor sport that you haven’t done yet and would like to do in the future.

Describe an outdoor sport that you haven’t done yet and would like to do in the future.

what is it?

when and where you would do it?

what preparations and equipment you would need?

sports are an important part of human’s has a great role to play in the life of every human being. I like sports and played in my childhood and school time. I belong to a village and there are ordinary sports to play in a village. but today I would like to talk about an outdoor sport which I didn’t play in my past life but I would like to play in my future is the game of hockey which is the national game of India.

in my school days, I have seen many boys playing this game but I didn’t get a chance to play at that time. because in my school days I was concentrating on my studies. I am much worried about my future at that time. after completing secondary education I went to college for my further studies. I got tough subjects in my graduation.but my inspiration toward hockey was increasing day by day. now I am in the final year of my graduation.i often met the hockey coach of my college hockey and he always motivated me to play this game.i will play this game in my post-graduation when I will go to the university.

I need a coach who has deep knowledge about this game. I already contact some players who had played hockey at the school time. I would buy a hockey, a ball, a hockey dress and sports shoes. I often watch hockey matches telecasted on the tv which is a great source of knowledge for me.i also watch the matches organized on the zone level in my city.i hope I would definitely fulfill this wish in my future.


Q-1 Do you play any sports at night?

Ans: no, I don’t play sports at night because I am so busy during daytime at my I get tired due to work. so I prefer to play at daytime.

Q-2 What are the benefits of playing sports?

Ans: there are many benefits of playing sports.first of all one could pursue his career in sports.because successful sportsmen choose for higher jobs. the other benefit is one could keep himself fit and healthy.

Q-3 What is the difference between playing sports on your own and playing sports in the group?

Ans: playing sports on your own could give you chance to bright like a star and pursue your career.but playing in a group or team could give the feeling of team spirit and promote brotherhood.


Gagandeep Singh Kahlon


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Describe an outdoor sport that you haven't done yet and would like to do in the future.

Describe an outdoor sport that you haven’t done yet and would like to do in the future. Describe an outdoor sport that you haven’t done yet and would like to do in the future. Describe an outdoor sport that you haven’t done yet and would like to do in the future. Describe an outdoor sport that you haven’t done yet and would like to do in the future. Describe an outdoor sport that you haven’t done yet and would like to do in the future.

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