Describe Your Idea of A Perfect Home IELTS Cue Card

Describe your idea of a perfect home IELTS cue card

  • Where would it be?
  • How big would it be?
  • What will it look like?
  • And explain why it would be the perfect home for you.

Everyone has two homes in their life: one is their actual home where they live 🏠, and the other is their dream home, which they aspire to build and live in. 🌟 Just like others, I, too, have a wish to build a new home. In my opinion, our home should be built where we can fulfil all of our needs as well as grasp the benefits given to us by nature. πŸƒ

As living beings, we feel hunger 🍽️, thirst πŸ’§, etc. So, we need numerous things to survive, such as food, water, electricity ⚑, and some technological devices πŸ“±πŸ’» through which we can always be aware of all the alarming conditions happening in the world. 🌍 The ideal position of a house is where we can get all these things easily without any trouble.

If we discuss its size, I would like to say that the size of a house correlates with the health of every person living in it. πŸ“πŸ‘ͺ Therefore, it should be as big as necessary so that every family member can get enough space and facilities required to flourish their health fruitfully. 🌺

There should be proper ventilation in each room so that we can enjoy natural air and light. β˜€οΈπŸ’¨ It should look clean and beautiful. Nowadays, people are building their homes totally covered and using air conditioning, which is the main reason for the deterioration of the earth’s climate. πŸŒβ„οΈ

Instead, I would like to grasp all-natural benefits at my home and build a simple and beautiful house that will have the beauty of natural greenery. 🏑🌲 I believe it will be a perfect home for us compared to the tallest skyscrapers. πŸ™οΈ

Because of greenery and access to natural resources, we can get all the benefits necessary to make our body healthier. 🍏🚰 If I have the resources to build my house, I will definitely build it like that.

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