Recently You Saw an Article in a Newspaper/journal About a City/town

You recently saw an article in a newspaper/journal about a city/town you know, and some of the article’s information was incorrect. Write a letter to the editor regarding this. Include the following in your letter:
– How you know about this city/town
– What information was incorrect
– What the editor should do about this.

Sample Answer

Dear Sir,

paragraph 1:

I am a resident of the Maninagar region, which is sparsely populated in Ahmedabad city. I am also a keen reader of your newspaper and some social articles you publish daily in Gujarat state. I was born and brought up in this city, so I have much cognizance view of things. I am very attached to this colourful Ahmedabad city.

paragraph 2:

However, in yesterday’s newspaper article, I found something strange that information was false and must be revised with correction; otherwise, people would be misguided. The event of the trade fair for innovation will start from next week but in the article you had published that will take place by the end of next month, and the given address is also wrong, which is confusing information for youth and new start-up companies.

paragraph 3:

I would like you to republish it again with strong and evident information, so individuals do not get perplexed about that small event.

Hoping for a prompt response and quick action on that article!

Yours faithfully,

Heena Kochhar

THIS IS END OF GENERAL WRITING TASK 1:Recently, you saw an article in a newspaper/journal about a city/town you know, and some of the information in the article was incorrect. Write a letter to the editor regarding this. 

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