The Animal Your Neighbors Keep in Their Garden

The animal your neighbors keep in their garden has brought you serious problems. You think they must do something to prevent causing further trouble to you. Write a letter to your neighbors. In your letter:

  • Tell them who you are.
  • Explain what the problem is.
  • Suggest what they should do to settle the problem.

Dear Abc ,

This letter is in reference to your pet dog and the issues the society members are facing. I Manjot would like you to know my experience in regards to the situation. I live in your opposite lane .

Moving ahead, I witnessed your dog roaming on the roads late at night without any supervision and bit my friend’s daughter, she had to get injections to stop the spread of infections. Also, all the members feel that he is too huge to be in the residential area. Although we respect your choices and opinions, we also just want to make sure all the members of society are safe .

We all request to keep the dog inside your house or on the terrace where he is not in contact with the others and when it is necessary to take him out, someone is with him so no one is hurt. Your cooperation would be great at the moment in regards to the situation. Please look into it as soon as possible .


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