Write a Letter to Your Friend Who Agrees to Stay at Your Place

Write a letter to your friend who agrees to stay at your place while you have to go for a vacation. Thank you, friend, for the stay at your place and

Remind them of the vacation dates

Tell your friends from where to take the keys

Tell your friend about some things which you want him or her to do at your place.

Hello Smith,

First of all, I can’t thank you enough for accepting my request for staying at my place while I would be away. I’m writing this letter to give you some detailed information about my vacation and other stuff.

Well, finally, after the 2nd wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, I am really fascinated about my upcoming week-long holiday with my family, which would be from the 1st to 7th of July, and my happiness has reached cloud nine since you agreed to take care of my home and my pet dog. By the way, you’ll have to collect the keys to my house from my brother who is staying just in the next street. I’ll ping you his phone number and address before leaving without fail.

All in all, you can relax at my place and feel free to try different coffee collections which I brought from my last business trip. You may need to take my dog out for a walk in the evening, but you’d definitely manage it as I know you’re always up for a walk. I’d be happy if you could stay for few more days after I come from my holiday. Let’s decide it over a video call tomorrow with our gang.

I thank you once again for all your precious support. I can’t wait to see you!

Your friend,

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