Describe a Book You Read That You Found Useful

Describe a book you read that you found useful or Describe an exciting book you read.

You should say :

  • When you read it?
  • What type of book is it?
  • What is it about?
  • Why did you find it useful?

Sample Answer of Describe a Book You Read That You Found Useful

Books are a good companion of life. People like to read different kinds of work in this modern world and there are different kinds of books are available in the people can read a book from the internet and from other sites where they like to read. But, here I would like to talk about the one such book that I recently read. From my childhood, I read many books that are related to the history, present, and past days, comic books, to name but a few. The name of the book that I recently read is the life of loneliness it is written by Dr. Narendra Kapoor.

I was really very curious to read about this book because I heard about this book from my friend name Harker. she always likes to read this book when she is free then she also recommends me to read this book. when I started reading this book I felt awesome because this book is full of inspiration and it also describes some personal thinking of the person. The life of loneliness means that a single sentence contains a particular story of a people then this book is really full of inspiration for negative people who cannot able to achieve their goals due to Pessimistic thinking.

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By reading this book, I was fascinated by the fact that this book does not contain any poetry section. Moreover, this book has about 307 pages and it contained about 1077 sentences overall. All the thoughts describe the children, young, older people, women, and men thinking and views. I was happy after reading this book and thankful to my friend who suggests it to me. I also like to read this book, again and again, to increase my vocabulary because in this book there are different kinds of vocabulary words are available which is really very helpful for people to widen the horizon knowledge of my knowledge and I want to read this book again and again without feeling boring.

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