Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike

Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike

  • – Where it is
  • – What it is used for
  • – What it looks like

 I belong to Ganganagar, and there are no tall buildings in my hometown.  Here I would like to talk about the Qutub Minar, which is in the Mehrauli area of Delhi.  It is used as a tourist attraction nowadays.  It looks wonderful.  It is 73 metres in height or 240 feet tall building.  The building is tapering towards the top.  The base has a diameter of 47 feet, and the top has a diameter of 9 feet.

 It is the tallest brick minaret in the world.  Inside the tower, there is a circular staircase with 379 steps leading to the top.  Qutb-ud-din Aibak built Qutub Minar in 1200 AD.  His son in law Iltutmish added 3 storeys in 1820.  The top storey was damaged by lightning in 1369 and was restored by Feroz Shah Tuglak.  I visited the Qutub Minar when I was in 10th.  I wouldn’t say I liked the fact that we could only see the Qutub Minar from outside.

Otherwise, I like the building a lot.  We were told that public access to the staircase had been banned as there was some accident in 1981 in which 45 people, including children, were killed.  Our school organized a tour of Delhi.  We were 40 students and 4 teachers.  It was a five-day tour.  We visited many places in and around Delhi.

 We visited the Red Fort, Jan tar Man tar and India Gate.  We did boating at the India Gate.  There was an International trade fair going on.  Our teachers took us there also.  We enjoyed ourselves a lot.

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