Describe an old friend you got in contact with again.

Describe an old friend you got in contact with again.

You should say
Who he or she is?
What he or she is like?
How did you get in contact?
And explain how you felt about it?

Sample Answer of the Describe an old friend you got in contact with again.

I would like to talk about one of my best friends from school time whom I lost contact with 3 years ago due to the struggles of life. Needless to say, we got so buy that we didn’t get time to spend together. However, last week when I was scrolling through one of my social networking sites specifically Facebook, I saw her on the suggestion list.

Oh my god! I could not believe my eyes, I was totally stunned and felt so excited that I messaged her in the blink of an eye. Moreover, this person has always been a lifelong friend and we have shared the bond of trust at school time.

Furthermore, She has always been a shoulder to cry on and a person to celebrate every victory of life. Regardless of everything her family has faced, She is a really strong person with powerful thoughts about how to succeed in life.

Her innovations and ideas are awarded as the best creative ideas from a renowned institute. She has always been my pillar of strength and I felt that so enthusiastic when I found this long lost friend. I am surely going to nurture this relationship for a lifetime.

1 thought on “Describe an old friend you got in contact with again.”

  1. Friends are the best companion in life. One can share their sorrows and feelings with them. Friends always thick and thin situations. But, here I want to talk about my childhood friend Harkirat. Her hairs are curly and long. She looks like her father. Well, I vividly remember that it was about three months ago when I went to Chandigarh with my family for shopping. I was at shoe stock where I was choosing shoes for myself then suddenly, heard some familiar voice behind me when I turned, then I saw my friend in front of my eyes. I was over the moon because she is my childhood friend. She went to Canada with her family when she was in the 8th standard. It was a time when I met my friend after several years. I hugged my friend tightly then my family picked the photographs. After that, my friend and I went to the cafeteria and took a cup of coffee together. It was arduous for me to communicate with my friend because I met her after so many years later. But frankly speaking, she is not changed; she communicates with me as she was in childhood. Lastly, she shared her contact with me, it was a mesmerizing moment for me, and I was thrilled. It was a time when I met my friend again.

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