Describe Your Favorite Location for Swimming IELTS Cue Cards

Describe your favorite location for swimming IELTS cue cards

  • what and where it is
  • how often you visit this place
  • who do you go there with
  • and explain why this is your favorite location for swimming.Β 

Our city is so advanced that there are a number of swimming pools in our city πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈ. But the swimming pool of our city club is particularly popular for many reasons. I would like to describe it briefly.

Our city club is situated on Mall Road in our city. It is almost at the center of the city πŸŒ†. Its swimming pool is so large that a significant number of people can swim at the same time. It is better constructed than other swimming pools in the city.

Moreover, its cost is more affordable than others πŸ’°. They have sufficient staff to provide swimming coaching and take care of their customers πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ.

I love to go for a swim there, as I have a pass for that club. By purchasing a pass, they offer us even more discounts on fees 🎟️. I usually go there in the evening time with my friends. We swim daily for 2 hours as it makes us fit and active πŸ•–.

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The maintenance of this swimming pool is also very good, as they never compromise with safety and cleanliness 🧼. According to me, it is the best swimming pool, as we can not only go for swimming there but also take advantage of other amenities in one place 🌟.

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