Some People Think That It is Fine for Professional Sportsmen

Some people think that it is fine for professional sportsmen and sportswomen to misbehave on or off the field, as long as they are playing well. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer of Some People Think That It Is Fine for Professional Sportsmen and Sportswomen to Misbehave


The behaviour of sportspersons really has a great influence on team members. Though they play well; but unacceptable behaviour doesn’t bring appreciation for them from their followers and resultantly they are criticized while exhibiting it on the ground or in their social life.


Generally, it is seen that the subordinate players have set them as their role model and it is expected from them to behave well either in the ground or in social life. For instance, it is hoped by expert players to behave in a good manner with their followers at the time of playing as they are the pillars for their team and are true motivators for them. If they misuse their power to pressurize their subordinates; then players would not play well and they will have resentment over behaviour and ultimately get depressed.


Moreover, it will distort the image of a good player in spite of being famous in their field. Similarly, they are expected to behave well in their real life. Indeed, they have attained big titles and have earned a great deal of money; however, they live in a society which gives them love and affection and hopes for a good treatment for them. Besides, youngsters are greatly influenced by the behaviour of expert athletes when they become rude in their professional as well as personal life. In other words, youngsters imitate them while watching on the television and also following them on social media. So, any criticism about their profession and personal life bring defame to them and young minds develop a great aversion for them, occasionally they treat others in the same way as their role models do. So, such behaviour actually creates disharmony in the society and the athletes who were known for playing well lose their credibility. So, their treatment with others is highly considered and here, it becomes essential for the players to behave well.


In conclusion, thus, if professional players behave well whether they are on the ground or in their social life, they will always rule over the hearts of people and also over their followers. They will be a good epitome for posterity and it will make the sports most popular not only in their own land but also all over the world.

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