In the Last Century when A Human Astronaut First Arrived on The Moon He Said

In the Last Century when A Human Astronaut First Arrived on The Moon He Said: “it Is a Big Step for Mankind”. but Some People Think It Makes Little Difference to Our Daily Life. to What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?

Almost every day we read something in the papers about the latest exciting developments in Almost every day we read something in the papers about the latest exciting developments in the space race. Many people are of the view that all the money and energy spent on space exploration and research is a complete waste because it has no effect on our daily lives. I, however, disagree. In the following paragraphs, I shall discuss how space research has touched our lives in more ways than one.

The technology, that put men on the moon, launched space shuttles and will build a space station, has found its way into everyday life on Earth. Common secondary uses of space research are called spin-offs. The common smoke detector used in homes was first prepared for spacecraft as a warning system. Computer bar codes in retail stores, shock-absorbing shoes used by tennis players and athletes, lightweight materials used for helmets and sporting materials and nonstick coating used in pans, were all first developed as part of space research.

Space technology has provided many benefits to the medical field as well. Pacemakers used to treat cardiac as well as remote monitoring devices for intensive care patients and portable medical equipment carried aboard ambulances are but a few applications of space technology providing daily benefits in hospitals, offices and homes. Artificial limbs of lesser weight are also a by-product of space research, and these are a blessing for the physically challenged.

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Not only that, it is well known that global warming will soon transform our Earth into a boiling pot. Then it would be very essential to find alternative places to live. If we are able to find signs of life elsewhere in space, it would be a jackpot for mankind.

To sum up, space exploration and research has touched our everyday lives in numerous ways. So, it definitely is a big step for mankind.

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