Some people believe famous people’s support towards International aid organizations draws the attentions to problems, whereas others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Some people believe famous people’s support towards International aid organizations draws the attentions to problems, whereas others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Charity organizations are responsible for aiding the needy and taking care of the victims of natural Charity organizations are responsible for aiding the needy and taking care of the victims of natural disasters. Some individuals are of the opinion that if celebrities provide assistance to global charity organisations, people become more attentive towards these issues, whereas others believe that celebs can lessen the severity of the situation. This essay intends to delve into both perspectives. I, however, side with the former view.

It is irrefutable that international charity groups can get publicity through celebrities. Famous singers, movie stars and sports professionals can endorse the activities or campaigns of international charity organisations. If the stars advocate for charitable organizations, these charities attract more people to participate. Stars enhance the reputation and credibility of the charities.

Furthermore, when celebrities are called upon to help NPOs (Non-Profit Organisations) or Charities, they themselves become aware of these problems, and themselves too come forward to donate for such causes. Their selfless donation could fulfil their social responsibilities towards the have-nots and consequently bring their own self a great sense of satisfaction.

On the other hand, it cannot be denied that in some instances, celebrities can cause more harm than good because of their bad reputation. For example, some celebs take part in charity work just to improve their image. This can make the messenger (celeb), more important than the message. For example, if some stars are doing publicity for the anti-drug organization, but they themselves have their own history of drug use or crime, then obviously the public would look at that charity with suspicion. Secondly, sometimes, when the famous people are seen working for some charity then people start thinking that enough is already being done, and that their help is not needed. This can be detrimental in the long run.

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To summarise, international aid organizations can attract more citizens’ attention on problems if celebrities give the right support and set up good images. I believe that all famous people should do their utmost to fulfill their social obligations, to do some public service activities for those charity organizations, which can be an effective way to serve this purpose.

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